Wednesday 20 July 2011

Arthurian Tarot

De Magische King Arthur Tour gaat 30 juli van start In Glastonbury, waar we ons mee laten nemen in de oude Legenden & mythen van King Arthur. Avalon was en is een oude mythische plaats, waar de leylijnen van Maria en Michael samen komen. Positief en negatief. Het Tarot spel van " The Arthurian legend Tarot" neemt je mee naar een prachtige wereld van magie en " the other world". Tijdens de reis werken we met deze prachtige kaarten als hulpmiddel voor onze eigen zoektocht naar de Graal.

Voor meer informatie over deze reis zie de website

Saturday 5 February 2011

Kalabsha Temple

Whilst staying at Aswan we took a short journey to the banks of Lake Nasser and a motor boat trip across to a small granite island that rises out of the water with Kalabsha temple at its peak. Together with other monuments it had been rescued and rebuilt to save them from the rising Nile waters created by the construction of Aswan's High Dam.

There is something unique and wonderful about this small island with its winding cobbled pathways that lead to different monuments, the sun beats down and diamonds flash across the turquoise crystal waters surrounding the island, the wind enlivens your senses, and here I found myself initially drawn to the glorious little kiosk of Kertassi that stands proudly on the edge of the rocks looking out over Lake Nasser, the kiosk basked in the warmth and brilliance of the Egyptian sun, to the glory of the Goddess Hathor whose warm smile greets you from two of the columns, and welcomes you within her Kiosk, here I experienced a wonderful feeling of love, a blessing from Hathor herself, so I rested and found myself considering the course of my life all the twists and turns and how it had taken me on this path to Egypt. As I rested I felt the warmth of Light energy infuse my body, offering me new light energy and inspiration and so I followed the path to the next monument on the island which is known as Gerf Hussein, the Egyptians knew it as Per Ptah, the "House of Ptah", it was created in the style of Abu Simbel and was originally rock cut with an inner chamber, and was created for Ramses the great by Setaw who was the viceroy of Nubia. Here on the island all that remains are statues of the outer courtyard, which I felt were the oddest looking statues I have ever seen of Ramses, they are short and dumpy and totally lacking in the usual elegant style of ancient Egyptian statues, so I continued on my way and followed the cobbled path back to the side of the main temple where I passed an interesting and unexpected collection of rocks that were created during the Neolithic period, with sketches of animals racing across the desert during a hunt. The path rose and swerved around the back of the main temple around the island until I arrived at another small monument known as Beit al-Wali, which means House of the Govenor, which was created by the viceroy for Ramses the great. I entered a small enclosed forecourt , and on the walls the small reliefs enact fighting scenes with Syrian and Libyan on the right side, Ethiopians on the left. Ramses grips the hair of his enemies whilst women plead for mercy. Entering Inside the small chamber there are two columns, behind me I saw Ramses gripping the hair of his enemy ready to smash his skull, then he calmly offers gifts to the gods. Two small niches are cut into the facing wall and have three seated statues inside them, here Anukis wears a large plumed headdress, in Egyptian mythology this goddess was the personification of the River Nile, and so we find here where the Nile starts its journey through Egypt. Her name means the Embracer, her bounty flooded the fields nourishing them and bringing new life.

Spiritual Orbs at Gebel Silsila

Well my guests had a very unusual experience to get to Gebel silsila, the driver got lost bless him and so we ended up hiring two local fishermen and their boats to row us across the river to the tombs, it was a real laugh and we all enjoyed the experience immensly. This area of the Nile is the narrowist point, and was once considerd to be the place where the soul of the nile resided.

We enjoyed a quiet meditation inside the tombs it was a very happy spiritual experience, and if you look closely you can see spiritual orbs in the room around Hans

Friday 4 February 2011

El Bagawat tombs

The followig photos were taken in the chapel of peace, a domed ceiling mortuary tomb in the coptic cemetry of El Bagawat,in the westen desert near kharga, the images represent stories from the bible.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Magie & Genezing in het Oude Egypte

Oude Egyptenaren geloofden in magie, als onderdeel van de genezing. In onze wereld van de moderne wetenschap en geneeskunde verstaan en begrijpen wij niet meer de oude kunst van de Egypte van toen. De huidige universitair geschoolden doen smalend over magie, maar in de oudheid werd magie beoefend met betrekking tot alle vragen over het leven, de dood en ziekte. Het was verweven met religie en de genezing werd beoefend door de priesters in de tempels.

Psychologie werd ook gebruikt als onderdeel van het helen met behulp van bezweringen, het plechtig reciteren van zinnen en woorden van deed een beroep op het onbewuste en hielp een zieke persoon. Dit zou de patiënt gerust stellen en werkte rustig en kalmerend op de zenuwen. Het effect van angst op de patiënt voor een onbekende macht, dat we vandaag de dag als bijgeloof zouden bestempelen, werd hierdoor verminderd.

De Egyptenaren geloofden dat ziekte en aandoeningen veroorzaakt werden door boze geesten, die in het lichaam van de mens huisden, indien de persoon niet beter werd, zocht hun familie hulp en bracht de zieke naar de tempel om te worden behandeld met een bezwering, drugs of incubatie.

De godin Isis werd beschouwd als een grote tovenares en genezeres, dit is een bezweringsformule voor haar:

O Isis, Grote Tovenares, bevrijd mij, verlos mij van alle kwaad en rode dingen, van de koorts van de God en de koorts van de Godin. van de dood en de pijn van de dood, en de pijn die over mij komt, zoals gij hebt bevrijd, en als gij uw zoon Horus hebt vrijgegeven, terwijl ik voer in het vuur en voortga in het water.

Sunday 27 June 2010

Magic & Healing in Ancient Egypt

In our modern age of hospitals and specialists to treat illness, we probably would mock some forms of ancient egyptian healing and magic.

The egyptians believed that sickness and disease were caused by evil spirits, they would take the ill person to the temple for healing where he would be treated by the priests with incantations drugs or incubation. Incantations are a form of Psychology, the solem recitation of certain sentences and words of invocation over a sick person, would reasure and calm them helping to soothe the patients nerves and worry that would probably have been caused by an unknown fear, we would accept this as superstition. Amulets were also used, when the mummy was prepared for burial all forms of amulets were woven in the bindings to offer protection.

The Goddess Isis was regarded as a great enchantress and a healer,together with the help of the God Thoth she found all the parts of her husband osiris body, after he had been killed by his jelous brother Seth, and she brought him back to life

Healing magic was a speciality of the priests who served the Goddess Sekhmet, the fearsome goddess of plague,‘the Goddess of a thousand names’, She destroys all that is no longer of value and brings healing to the world

Destructive magic was also practised. The names of foreign enemies and Egyptian traitors were inscribed on clay pots or tablets that could be broken or burnt.Wax figurines could be created,and used to bring ill health or death to a person, Ramses 111 had many people of his harem tried and then executed for using destructive magick against him, this incident is known as the harem plot, and took place in the harem quarters at Medinet Habu.

Pharoahs would have prisoners on the soles of their shoes to theoretically tread them underfoot and squash them, pschologically in the belief that this would weaken or destroy the enemy..Enemies would also be portrayed beneath the kings throne to show that he was powerful and subdued enemies that threatened Egypt.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

TOUR - ALEXANDRIA - CAIRO- SIWA OASIS15/05/2011 untill 29/05/2011

Our tour of Cairo Alexandria and Siwa Oasis begins on 15 May 2011 with the Pyramids of Giza & Saqqara, Ancient wonders of the world, Visit Khufu's boat created to transport the king to the heavens in his afterlife
The Old Monastery and pilgrimage Abu Mina
Walk in footsteps of Alexander the Great experience Alexandria the most famous Ancient city in the world that he founded in 331BC
Melt into the thriving city of Alexandria with all the Exciting mixtures of the Mediterranean and Ancient Cultures of Greece & Rome
Soak up the culture in the most revered place of learning of the Ancient world, Alexandria was the meeting place Of Spiritual, Philosophical, Genius that flowed together in Harmony
The 15th century fortress of Quaitbey on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, built from the ruins of the Lighthouse of Alexandria
We leave Alexandria and travel deep into the desert to the Great Sand Sea and journey to Siwa Oasis
Siwa Oasis is one of Egypt's isolated settlements and home to the Berbers
The Oracle of Siwa was one of the most influential Oracles in the known Ancient World
Alexandra the great travelled to hear the advice of the Oracle where it was confirmed that he was the son of Zeus
Swim in Cleopatra's pool and experience the sounds of my Tibetan bowl as it travels swiftly through water to help the DNA & nerve senses heal and relax

for more information